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Noel McDermott

Noel McDermott

Noel Mcdermott: Psychotherapy and Consultancy Ltd., UK

Title: De-schooling eating disorders


Biography: Noel McDermott



This presentation will look at providing models of care in the community in eating disorder, addiction and mental health recovery aimed at the prevention of in-patient admission. Additionally, it will explore how community care models can be used to prevent relapse upon discharge if an admission has already occurred. Care in the community in the UK context began in 1984 with a large transfer of services from inpatient care to community based care. The major areas were in the provision of care to those with mental health issues, disabilities and learning disabilities. Over the past decades, it has come to dominate all health care including eating disorder and additions treatment. This presentation will look at how we can utilize learning from these successful movements to plan care and interventions in people’s homes and communities to stabilize their mental health and eating disorder issues that will prevent unnecessary in-patient time. And enhance the in-patient experience where it is necessary. Aimed primarily at those working (or planning to work) in the private as well as public sector, this session will add to your knowledge base on common practices such as assertive outreach, care plan approach, team around a family, patient or child, care manager, care plan reviews and multi-disciplinary teams. And how we utilize these models to the private sector patients working with complex family systems.